On Friday 26th June 2020 The ST School will be hosting a stand at Therapy Live.

This conference is an incredible undertaking by the team behind The Physio Matters Podcast with over 90 speakers from the world of musculoskeletal healthcare covering a huge range of topics over 9 online streams for 20,000 attendees.

We’re thrilled that Soft Tissue Therapy is being represented by both Leah Dwyer, an incredible massage therapist from Australia and our very own BTEC Level 5 Diploma tutor Matt Scarsbrook.

They will both be presenting in the Physical Therapies stream from 09:15.

As The ST School we will be available on a stand in the exhibition space all day for live chats, some short presentations of our own and some fantastic offers for upcoming courses, so please do come and say hello!

We can’t wait!