Movement Systems

Introduction to Movement Systems: a hands on, neurologically informed, movement centric approach to treatment


Feb 15 – 16 2025


All Day






Introduction to Movement Systems is a hands on, neurologically informed, movement centric approach to treatment. This highly practical  course represents a distillation of what therapists need to know to help fellow humans maximise their movement potential.  It will be delivered over one online session and two days full of hands-on techniques and brain and body focused exercise open to all qualified movement and fitness professionals.

Course Content includes:

  • How and why do we move.
  • Assessing movement: Human standards .
  • Principles of neurocentric treatment.
  • Soft tissue and Skin Mobilisation.
  • Testing and treating the vestibular system.
  • Joint mobilisations.
  • Basic movement drills
  • What it pain?
  • How to take a history.
  • Assessing and treating peripheral nerves.
  • Testing and treating the visual system.
  • More movement drills.
  • Stacking good inputs.
  • Evolving your treatments and thinking.  



The highly clinically applicable content is delivered in two parts: Online and In Person.

Part One  – 5th February 7pm *FEB DATE TBC* is an Online Webinar where Paul will take you through the underpinning knowledge necessary to understand pain and movement through a neurocentric lens.  Recordings will be sent so you can consolidate the learning at your pace and also will be added to a closed Facebook Group where you can be supported while navigating this new acquired knowledge.

Part Two – 15th & 16th February *FEB DATE TBC* is In Person over a weekend, when you will put into practice what has been learned in the previous part and explore new hands-on strategies to help people move more and pain less.


The in-depth, fast-paced delivery of the content and the required scope of practice, make this course better suited to practitioners who are trained at Level 4 and above such as Sports and Remedial Massage Therapists, Soft Tissue Therapists, Graduate Sports Therapists, Physiotherapists, Osteopath and Chiropractors.

If your qualification is not mentioned or is not at minimum Level 4 but you are very committed in attending please drop us an email to discuss.


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PAUL COKER. BSc Hons, MSc Physio. Neurally biased Movement Optimist

Paul has graduated in physiotherapy in 2001. He then worked in a wide variety of settings within the NHS gaining experience in all aspects of physiotherapy from intensive care, to hydrotherapy. In 2007 he left the NHS, packed his bags and headed to Perth, Western Australia to complete a Master’s Degree in Manual Therapy. Having completed the course with a High Distinction and picking up an Academic Prize in Rehabilitation along the way, he packed his bags once again and headed over to New Zealand where he worked in a private clinic in Christchurch treating everything from Joe Bloggs with back pain to elite athletes. Since returning to the UK in 2008 he has worked in private practice throughout Cornwall and Devon, including a season as lead Physio for Plymouth Albion Rugby Union team.

From 2011-2019 Paul was the Medical Director of Rocktape UK. He designed, wrote and taught a variety of post-graduate workshops for other therapists throughout the UK and Europe. He was one of the 4 original Rocktape Master Trainers, teaching the teachers to deliver Rocktape course courses across Europe.

Since moving to Cornwall 20 years ago Paul has enthusiastically embraced,  and dedicated countless hours to the pursuit of competence in what has to one the most of wonderfully pointless of all forms of sporting endeavour. As a result Paul is very average surfer.

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Feb 15 – 16 2025


All Day




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