All Webinars & Courses
See below the variety of webinars & courses we offer at The ST School. Clicking the links will take you through to the next available dates.
About Our Webinars & Courses
The ST School exists to deliver the highest standards of Soft Tissue Therapy education and progress the value of Manual Therapy within modern healthcare. Our dedicated team of experienced educators have a with a wealth of expertise within their distinct specialities ranging from pain science to massage to rehabilitation.
All our tutors are practising therapists with their own successful therapy businesses, as being hands on day-to-day with clients ensures that our tutors remain integral to the industry to understand the needs of the future practioners they are training.

The ST School Webinar Series
Book all five of The ST School’s webinar series to receive exclusive bonus content: Bonus Group Mentoring Session and an Exclusive CPD Reflection Journal to use as proof of CPD hours.

Evidence Based Practice in Massage Therapy
Learn the facts about Evidence Basd Practice (EBP), how it applies to massage therapy, and how to implement it in your own practice.

Understanding Fibromyalgia: Causes & Strategies
Discover current evidence around this complex diagnosis, and how we can support through Massage, Movement and other strategies.

Recognising Red Flags for the Massage Therapist
The most current evidence & best guidelines around Red Flags, with particular focus on Massage, Sports & Soft Tissue Therapy.

The Science Behind Touch: Intro to Neurophysiology
No need to guess the benefits of massage, we now know what happens. A fascinating journey through neurophysiology of Touch.

When Pain Echoes Trauma: Exploring the link
Investigation of how trauma is linked to chronic pain conditions like Fibromyalgia, with particular focus on how it can reshape the nervous system.

A Modern Hands On Approach For Shoulder Pain
Hybrid course (2 live online classes + 1 full day practical workshop) offering an evidence-informed approach to the assessment, treatment & rehabilitation of shoulder pain, including Frozen Shoulder, Osteoarthitis, Rotator Cuff issues & Tendinopathy.

Grounding Movement: A Barefoot Approach
This highly practical day course is designed to provide you with knowledge & hands-on techniques for applying barefoot principles in your practice. Informed by personal, pro good foot strength & mobility, and as an add-on strategy for the rehabilitation of some MSK conditions.

Lymphoedema Management For The Manual Therapist
Comprehensive training in the most evidence based method of MLD, designed for Manual Therapists. Learn the research and evidence for Fluoroscopy Guided Manual Lymphatic Drainage (FG-MLD), treatment protocols, and hands-on skills for Lymphatic Drainage treatments.

Massage Masterclass for the Modern Therapist

Hot Stones Massage Training for the Modern Therapist
A one day workshop introducing you to the use of Hot Stones within Massage and Sports Massage, delivered with an up to date narrative around the effects, benefits and uses of Hot Stones.

Massage in Pregnancy for the Modern Therapist
Hybrid course providing the underpinning knowledge of the physiology of pregnancy, what each stage means for the mother’s body, and the most common issues encountered .

Modern Massage Therapy Practice
Become up to date with knowledge on Touch neurophysiology, the mechanisms of Massage Therapy, and a modern approach for chronic pain clients & people with injuries.

Modern Manual Therapy: MET and PNF
Learn a modern approach to the use of Muscle Energy Techniques (MET) and Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) for treatment and rehabilitation of Pain and Injury.

Modern Manual Therapy: PRT
Learn a modern approach to use of different types of Positional Release Technique (PRT). including Strain Counter Strain (SCS), for treatment & rehabilitation of Pain and Injury.

Movement Therapy for Pain & Wellbeing
Neuroscience research behind conscious movement, the importance it carries for embodiment, and its use for clients with chronic pain & injury.
Guest Courses

Introduction To Movement Systems
Online & In-Person With Paul Coker

Functional Bodywork
Two Day Course With James Earls
2 day workshop with James Earls, blending functional movement principles with hands-on manipulation to give you completely new assessments & treatment strategies for clients.

Gait Analysis For Runners: A Modern Approach
Online & In-Person with Matt Phillips
With or without treadmill, indoor or outdoor – Matt Phillips will provide you with the tools to deliver a modern, evidence-informed Gait Analysis service to suit YOUR business and clients’ needs.

The Hypermobile Universe
Two Day Course With Bonnie Southgate
Level 5 Diploma

Diploma In Soft Tissue Therapy Level 5
Looking for a professional and up to date Sports Massage Therapy Course? This is the course for you. As leaders in Soft Tissue Therapy Education, The ST School take great pride in bringing evidence informed practice into Massage & Manual Therapy training, and our Level 5 Diploma In Soft Tissue Therapy is no exception. 13 weekends, spread over 13 months.

Upgrade To Level 5 in Soft Tissue Therapy
Designed to build on the subjects learned at Levels 3 and 4, this Upgrade Course introduces Level 5 clinical reasoning, and the advanced skills and scope of practice necessary for assessing, treating and rehabilitating people with pain and injury. To enrol you must have either Level 3 Massage + 2 years or 400 clinical hours, or Level 4 Massage + 1 year or 200 clinical hours.
Get in Touch Today
We can be reached by telephone on 01395 271610 or alternatively you can contact us using the contact form below. Please refer to the addresses below to help you find us!