Evidence Based Practice (EBP) in Massage Therapy: What Social Media doesn’t tell you!


Evidence Based Practice (EBP) in Massage Therapy is a hot and highly debated topic at the moment. Social media discussions are often polarizing  leaving the therapist confused and disheartened.

But it doesn’t need to be so, in fact understanding the model of EBP can be rewarding, validating and often liberating.

Join Anna Maria in this highly interactive 3 hours CPD online session where you will learn what Social Media doesn’t tell you: the facts about EBP, how it applies to Massage Therapy and how to implement it in practice.


Join Anna Maria in this engaging 3 hours online CPD course, where you can explore how Evidence Based Practice relates to you and your practise and learn how shifting mindset can improve clients outcomes.

Course Objectives:

During and after the completion of this course you will be able to

  • Know the history of EBP
  • Learn what EBP really is (you d be surprised) and what is not
  • Understand its  role in your practice and why you should be adopting it
  • Learn different types of evidence and what count as reliable evidence
  • Understand the basics of different types of research studies
  • Review current evidence around Massage Therapy effects and benefits
  • Evaluate your current practice to understand which elements are aligned with EBP and which are not
  • Learn strategies to introduce basic EBP in your practice


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Anna Maria Mazzieri BSc (Hons) Dip STT is a practising Soft Tissue Therapist and Educator. Having trained in Massage Therapy in 2002 and progressed into more clinical aspects of the profession, Anna Maria champions its role in modern MSK care. She established and still is the lead tutor for The ST School which through its courses expresses the drive and passion to bring Massage and Hands on therapy to higher clinical standards. Being part of ForceNet, an international group of researchers which is aimed at bridging the knowledge gab between research and clinical applications in manual therapy, ensures Anna Maria is directly exposed to the latest research. However her passion still remain in clinical practice where she has a particular interest lies in working with people suffering with long term pain conditions.

This course is delivered by an experienced and well informed practitioner who understands the needs and challenges of fellow Massage Therapists.