Understanding Fibromyalgia: Causes, Touch Sensitivity and Helpful Strategies


Understanding Fibromyalgia: Causes, Touch Sensitivity and Helpful Strategies is a live webinar where we will

– Explore current evidence around this complex diagnosis

– Look at the link between  fibromyalgia and touch sensitivity

– Current evidence on treatment and how Massage and Movement can be used to help

Understanding Fibromyalgia: Causes, Touch Sensitivity and Helpful Strategies is a live webinar where we will be exploring current evidence around this complex diagnosis, why people suffering with fibromyalgia experience higher sensitivity to some forms of touch and how we can support them through Massage, Movement and any other strategies we have within our skillset.

Course format:

Live webinar through Zoom 

Recordings avaiable after the session ends.

The course will answer these questions:

  • What is fibromyalgia? What causes it?  How is it diagnosed?
  • What symptoms does a person with fibromyalgia present with?
  • What does current evidence tell us about helpful treatments for it?
  • Why my client with fibromyalgia seems to be sensitive to light touch but they prefer a deep pressure during massage?
  • How can I use my skillset as a Massage and Movement Therapist to help a person with Fibromyalgia?
  • How can we use our language to create resiliance and prevent nocebo?

This webinar is designed with Massage and Soft Tissue Therapists and addresses the challenges we are faced with, when working with the complexity of a client diagnosed with fibromyalgia. 


utor with a smile teaching how to use towels in sports massage course

Anna Maria Mazzieri

Anna Maria identifies herself as a Soft Tissue Therapist as she feels that title best represents
the wider approach to care provided by a Modern Massage Therapist.
Professionally trained in Massage Therapy in 2002, continued through a vocational qualifications pathway to the Diploma in Clinical Sports and Remedial Massage Therapy but also obtained a a degree in BSc (Hons) in Sports Therapy which further reinforced her beliefs in supporting vocational qualifications in the field of Massage, Manual and Movement approaches for client care. As a result she has established and still is the lead tutor for The ST School which is a well-
regarded training provider delivering the Diploma in Soft Tissue Therapy (BTEC level 5) in Exeter, Bristol and Birmingham, as well as hosting a rich program of CPDs.

Through her clinics, schools and wider involvement in the industry she is driving a change in Massage and Soft Tissue Therapy by pushing for better understanding and inclusion of Evidence Based Practice in vocational qualifications and champions the role of Touch and Manual Therapy as part of modern healthcare.

To that end she is also a voice behind The Massage Matters podcast which she co-founded to help Massage and Manual Therapists of all levels to better understand, celebrate and apply a more evidence informed, holistic and modern approach to client care.

Widely recognised as an expert in her field, Anna Maria has the privilege to be part of ForceNet, an international group of highly respected researchers,  academics and clinicians aimed at bridging the knowledge gap between research findings and clinical practice.

Very much committed to clinical practice still, she draws from that knowledge spanning two decades to translate theory and research into clinically applicable strategies.

Well known for her italian flair, Anna Maria’s delivery is fun, expressive, and passionate, facilitating interaction and discussion of ideas while providing a solid focus on what that knowledge may look like when in front of the client.