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Welcome to Our Freshly Updated Website

Wed 31st Jul 2024
Gait Analysis Matt Phillips Therapy Expo

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of our brand-new website! After months of hard work, we’ve designed a fresh online experience tailored to meet the needs of our clients, visitors, and community. Our new site is more than just a facelift – it’s a complete overhaul aimed at improving functionality, ease of use, and providing a one stop space for reliable information on modern practice of Massage, Manual and Movement Therapies.

Thank You Team

The site is a product of teamwork at its finest. David Allworthy of DRA Create has been absolutely awesome in turning our needs and members feedback into digital reality and we cannot recommend him enough. Matt Phillips, our Injury Rehab & Running Performance Specialist, has used his clear & logical thinking process to provide a much needed balance for my labrynth of ever changing ideas & emotions. Kathy, our course coordinator, has used her exceptional skills to ensure that our fully automated site will give you, our clients and students, the response & service you need at the speed you expect.

Less Clicks

One of our top priorities has been ensuring visitors can reach what they are looking for with fewer clicks. That is why you will see we have removed the CPD Course grouping we had previously and replaced it with a much more functional Calendar Feature where you can quickly see what is happening and when.

Hybrid CPD Courses

With the new website we have taken the opportunity to lauch a new format for all of our CPD courses. In the last 18 months we have been testing a hybrid form of CPD learning which has seen any in-person course having an online module/session. This often takes the form of 2 x 2 hours webinars, one delivered before the in-person session and the other after it. We have found this format to work very well because by the time attendees come to the in-person class, they have had the chance to digest in their own time the theory. Also, attendees will have had the chance to meet and gel, and are therefore much more open to ask questions and be fully integrated into the learning process. Having a webinar delivered after the in-person class helps the attendee contextualise what they have learned to their individual practice.

In-Person Courses

As a training provider, we have built our training model around in-person courses because we value group experiential learning as a fundamental pedagogic activity for a profession which relies on personal relationships to achieve positive outcomes. We also of course have webinars and online courses which give the attendee the opportunity to have an insight into a particular topic to see if they need to expand further in that topic.

Members Area

An exciting new feature we are building, which will be ready by mid october, is a ‘Members Only Area, a place dedicated to those practitioners who are more regular attendees of our courses, and as such they will have access to further resources, offers and mentorship from our team. As you can gather, I am thrilled about the new site, but ultimately it is YOU the user who needs to find it functional for YOUR needs, so we would appreciate any feedback you would like to provid. Please email us at info@thestschool.co.uk and in the subject line put “Website Feedback”. Ciao

Anna Maria Mazzieri, Director of The ST School

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